ARCO Transport & Logistics B.V. is a reliable, professional partner in the field of international transport and logistics services, and we have been active for more than 40 years. As a family company with a rich history we specialise in national and international road transport. Besides traditional road transport we offer innovative and environmentally friendly alternatives like short-sea and multi-modal solutions. We have the right resources, network and expertise for complex supply chain management solutions including warehousing, optionally temperature controlled.

International transport & logistics services

A full service & complete solution for your concerns
Within international transport and logistics services, offering a competitive price is increasingly the determining factor. We prefer to talk about efficiency. By organising and combining matters more smartly we are able to work more efficiently and keep costs low. At the same time we are committed to full service provision and providing a complete solution for our clients’ concerns. This combination enables us to offer competitive solutions and to maintain optimum client satisfaction. So it is hardly surprising that we enjoy long-standing relations with many of our clients – going back tens of years in some cases.

Warehousing & cold stores
One of our specialities is offering professional and flexible services for climate controlled and non-climate controlled products. Examples are storage and transhipment of products like fish, meat, vegetables & fruit, dairy products, cold drinks, biological (SKAL) products and virtually all known non-hazardous wares. We have designed our ICT system with this in mind and all facilities are fully certified and possess the required customs, veterinary and phyto-sanitary permits, including a permit for the unique internal free zone.

Focus, focus & yet more focus
As a relatively small player we make clear choices. With the right focus and resources we are in a position to really deliver added value to our clients. ARCO knows its way around many sectors exceptionally well, and has made an extra investment in expertise within certain areas, including:
Foodstuffs & perishables
The transport of foodstuffs is a trade in its own right. A trade that we understand like no other due to our knowledge, history and the direct availability of temperature controlled warehousing.
Retail is all about flexible and punctual delivery within a market that is permanently in motion. We succeed in dealing perfectly with this dynamic and with the high standards set by retailers and consumers.
Fish & shellfish
One specific aspect within foodstuffs is the transport of fish. A trade that holds no secrets for ARCO, thanks to our decades of experience within the highly seasonal fish industry.
Every pharmaceutical manufacturer has their own set of tolerances, timetables, requirements and wishes. We know the rules of the game within this industry inside out and we have been responding to them pragmatically for many years.

Investing in existing & new relations
We regard it as just as important to look after and maintain an existing relationship as it is to start a new one. That is why we continually invest in our working relationship with you. We make it our task every day to get to know and to understand your business better. By being informed and by keeping ourselves fully informed about the logistics challenges facing you and your sector we are better placed than any other to deliver the most efficient solutions. On the one hand we can rely here on more than 40 years of experience; on the other hand we make use of innovative software and modern communication facilities.

That is why you choose ARCO
Valuable expertise
ARCO possesses valuable expertise and experience, which we have built up painstakingly over the years.
The right resources
For just about every logistic challenge – however large, complex or specific – we have the right resources and knowhow available.
Short lines of communication
The communication lines are short within ARCO; communication is instant and our commitment is high. Our clients always have a regular contact person.
ARCO is a 100% autonomous and independent organisation, which means we can always offer you the best solution.
Concern for people and the community
Socially responsible entrepreneurship forms an important aspect of our operations. We care about people and the community.
Strategic partners
We have access to a carefully assembled network of strategic partners that we have worked with for decades.
Long-term relations
Both small clients and multinationals have been placing their faith in our cost efficient transport and freight management solutions for many years.

Products & services
Road transport
- Complete European cover for full trailer deliveries
- Climate controlled and non-climate controlled transport
- Groupage service
- Express deliveries
- Dedicated carriage
- Veterinary, phyto-sanitary and customs processing
- Distribution
- Transhipment
- Storage (climate controlled and non-climate controlled) in transit
- Weighing, labelling and order-picking
- Barcoding and scanning
- Quality inspection
- Inventory management
- Palletising and film-wrapping
- EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
- Shock freezing
- Container trucking and processing
- Fully HACCP and ISO90000 certified
Logistical services
- Supply Chain Management
- Just-in-time management
- Value added logistics

ARCO Transport & Logistics B.V.
Hazeldonk 6284
4836 LG Breda
The Netherlands
+31 (0)76 ‐ 596 34 51
CoC No. 2007 2210
VAT No. NL 802 907 581 B01

Terms & conditions
ARCO Transport & Logistics believes in clarity and transparency. That is why, depending on the activities involved and the nature of the services provided, we apply the most recently published version of the following terms and conditions:
- CMR-conditions (international transport (expedition))
- AVC-conditions (Only for national transport within the Netherlands)
- NEKOVRI-conditions (handling, storage and transhipment)
- Betalingsvoorwaarden Transport en Logistiek Nederland (payment terms and conditions for transport and logistics in the Netherlands)
The Dutch judiciary (the Court of Law in Breda) and the Dutch language have exclusive jurisdiction.